Monday, October 4, 2010

of the day's positives, these

1) got drinks paid for by a charming and cocksure young lad I've spoken to before with whom I had a vivid and interesting conversation touching on, among other things, childfreedom, and was astonished that after bingoing me with "you're so smart you are totally the type of person who should breed" we got on to an honest and interesting discussion in which he did not mansplain to me excessively and did, in fact, agree that he had not thought some aspects of the issue through completely

2) at class, explained my problem with getting bg images to scale in css to both profs, and had both of them get to the point I was on Sunday where we were annoyed enough that it wasn't working to go keep looking for solutions on the internet, so now there's three of us looking for the answer instead of just me. also? this class is the definition of awesome.

3) got books signed by Mark Doty at his reading, <3 <3 <3

4) got home without incident, after Udo's little flailing I DON'T WANT TO GO INTO GEAR ON THE ENTRANCE RAMP TO 295 moment on Sunday afternoon I am paranoid that I am somehow awful enough at driving a manual transmission that I am capable of comprehensively fucking up a clutch without realizing it within three months, so it's nice to get from point A to point B without AAA. It would also be nice to have that lovely fleeting sense of NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT MY CAR back, but not poppy nor mandragora nor all the soothing syrups, etc.


6) earlier, landlord caught me on way to class and asked after roof; I said that it looked bone-fucking-dry when I stopped in before class to put on jeans and grab school bag, and he thanked me prettily again for the triple midnight trash-bag offensive, plus volunteered that he'd just put out more anti-rat without me even having to ask him nicely

On the whole, net positive.


  1. Not really a comment about what you've said above, just a note: Love the new background.

  2. Thanks! I'm fond of it. The various little square pics on the right are all old LJ/IJ icons I've been using over the years.

  3. I don't think I would bother with CSS for scaling images. That's messy, and I'm not entirely sure SCALING can actually be done. You might be able to trick it, but like I said, that's messy. I've seen websites that say to shy away from CSS for image sizing. Maybe you should just change the size of your Photoshop files and leave it at a set height and width, if you want to go the Photoshop route. Frames and/or tables could be an option, too (and you might even need a little CSS to make it work right). That's KIND of what I did, except my background is just plain black.

  4. From what I gather on THE INTERNET, you can get CSS bg images to scale with browser windows. The real issue is getting a layer above the bg to scale -with- it so that I can still use image maps, because fuck tables when I want to move elements around from here to there.

    I need to learn CSS before I can really judge whether or not my goal is possible, and if not, I can adjust based on what I'm learning. It feels as if I jumped in at the deep end and reverse-engineered my site without really understanding what I was doing to make it work.
